The passionate video story about someone who had never experienced anything like it

Is it possible to make real a dream that’s more than 700 km long with 15,000 m of elevation gain, surrounded by nature, in the hottest places in Europe without ever having done it before? Yes it is! Paolo Calabresi, marketing director for the Enervit Sport line, did it for the first time and he tells us [insert link to the video here, or below at the end, you decide] how he faced one of the most infamous and hardest ultra-cycling races in the world as a newbie. It’s an entirely solo adventure that takes place in southern Spain, in Andalusia, in the last European deserts, the Gorafe and Tabernas.

The overpowering desire for freedom and to ride your own gravel bike, which is the ideal travel companion to challenge your limits, provide the backdrop. The physical and mental preparation, the intake strategy and nutrition, the gear, the bike setup, the difficulties and unexpected events that occurred along the way, and new friendships serve to heighten the experience.

In such a difficult setting, which puts strain on the body, even during the few hours dedicated to sleep, it was essential for Paolo to take care of two aspects in particular: his mineral intake and his recovery, and to do this with specific products on a race route without feed zones. He remembered to bring with him a limited ­– but essential – amount (due to limited available space) of energy bars and Isotonic Gel based on carbohydrates, which proved to be real "life savers."

This unique adventure – with its own strong mix of emotions – remains engraved on the heart, in the head, and in the legs. And once it’s completed, it compels you to want to start again. Watch the video here!