Carbohydrates, proteins, fats: do we really know how many and which ones to take to feel good?
Elena Casiraghi – PhD Equipe Enervit
It's easy to say "carbohydrates, proteins, and fats". But do we really even know how many we need to feel good and from which foods we can get them? If the answer is no, read on. You'll find out how to make up your plate at every meal and snack.
To know which foods are more or less beneficial to psycho-physical wellbeing and in what quantity to consume them, the Zone Diet comes to our aid. The Zone is a simple method of balancing nutrition, which is compatible with all food philosophies, from vegan to Paleo. And as its creator, Barry Sears, jokingly says, it’s also compatible with all religions! The balance on the plate doesn’t change – only the ingredients we use to compose the meal change. The proportion between nutrients allows us to define the proportions between foods. Thanks to this, it’s possible to seek an optimal hormonal balance, which is the primary objective of the Zone. In fact, thanks to hormonal balance, numerous health advantages can be obtained.
Moving on to you want to know how to easily balance your plate?
Load up with "green" carbohydrates such as vegetables, the right amount of fruit without exceeding a maximum of 3-5 portions per day, and reduce white carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and corn as much as possible. Together they should occupy 2/3 of the plate. More specifically, vegetables should be in quantities equal to the surface of your palm and fingers, and starchy foods in quantities equal to your fist. By eliminating the latter from the meal, it’s possible to increase the quantity of fruit (always in season) and vegetables.
Choose low-fat sources such as fish, chicken, turkey, rabbit, egg whites (whole eggs less frequently), and tofu if you consume soy. The food chosen as a source of protein should occupy one third of your plate.
For meals, choose about one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, for snacks, dried fruit such as nuts and almonds. It is good to favour "good" fats such as monounsaturated fats low in omega-6 and saturated fats.
Now it should be clear to you how to balance meals and snacks and which foods to increase and which ones to reduce or eat infrequently. Easy as pie and fun. Welcome to the Zone!